This is an excerpt from the SPARKS newsletter that I found to be too good not to share. Its all about having the right questions prepared, whilst avoiding the wrong ones.
You’ve survived the bulk of a job interview – you’ve listened
attentively to the interviewer’s questions and provided detailed, clear
responses – and now the tables have turned. The questions have come to a
halt. The interviewer closes their folder.
“So,” he/she begins, “do you have any questions for me?”
Preparing for this crucial interview component is absolutely essential
for job seekers. While it might seem as though your interviewer is
simply being polite by asking if you have any questions, don’t be
fooled. The evaluation isn’t over. And your choice of questions can tell
an employer a lot about you.
In an effort to help you plan for your next interview, we’ve rounded up
the top three best and worst questions to ask an interviewer.
The Best:
How would you describe your ideal candidate?
This type of question shows that you’re not just eager to get the job;
you’re also thinking about what skills are necessary to excel in the
role. Moreover, it’s a question that gives you the opportunity to
discuss any details about your skills/experience that you might have
missed during the main interview period.
How does this position fit into the company’s long-term goals?
Asking about a company’s long-term plans demonstrates big-picture
thinking, something that many employers are looking for. It also gives
you a chance to learn more about the position and which departments or
individuals you could be working with.
What can I do for you as a follow-up?
The more information you find out about the hiring process the better.
Asking what you can do as a follow-up encourages the interviewer to let
you in on the process and who the stakeholders might be in making the
final decision.
The Worst
Are you willing to adjust the position’s hours or salary?
It’s perfectly fine to inquire about an organization’s daily work
schedule or to discuss your salary expectations. But try not to lead
with a question that indicates that you’re looking to make demands right
How much time off will I get?
A job interview is not the time to ask about time off. Once you’ve
received a formal offer from a company, feel free to ask about their
vacation time, health benefits packages, etc. But asking during the
interview sends the message loud and clear that you’re not serious.
Do you do background checks?
Even if you’re simply curious about an organization’s hiring process,
it’s never wise to ask about their background checking procedures. As
soon as you ask, it seems as though you have something to hide. And you
really don’t want to raise any red flags unnecessarily.
The above is sound advice that I couldn't agree with more. Further, I'd like to add that its always important to ask additional questions that are specific to the job itself. Always keep honing in the fact that you are hear to help them, that you're serious about delivering what they need, and that they'd regret not having you. With such confidence comes demand.
What are some other great questions to ask? Please comment below with your own thoughts, and share on Facebook and Twitter.
~David Noble Morris~
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