Friday, August 30, 2013

I wanted to expand on the following article I read entitled 5 Things You have to Unlearn to Succeed at Work.

Its bullet number one in particular that I wish to stress,


Gen Y’s latest thing is binge learning, where you become so interested in what you're doing that you don't want to stop until you've learned it all. But the only way that you can binge learn is to know how to find course materials on your own and choose the sequence of those materials that works best for you. This means you can't rely on someone else's syllabus and you can't rely on somebody laying out the steps for you.
In the workplace, to create our own value, we must create our own learning path. You have to unlearn the habit of waiting to be told what comes next in your education if you want to take control of your adult life.


This has a particular impact for yours truly given his own (self) educational accomplishments as of late. One's career can be filled with transition, especially in these times, where its not uncommon to find yourself doing something not directly linked to your degree. As economies change, so will the skill sets demanded of you to succeed.

As an adult, Its important to understand how to continually teach yourself - the neurology behind it and what you can do for yourself to enhance your rate of understanding. 

You'll often surprise yourself as you discover that what you learn "on a binge" or as a mere "hobby" can far eclipse what levels of comprehension you thought you were capable of in the classroom.  I'll feature tips for training your mind (as I have been doing) in future updates. In the meantime, check out what I have for you in this blog as well as the one I've featured for Software Engineering, Code Crunch Corner.

Like, share, and leave a comment in the meantime!

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