"Experience is what matters."
So it is often considered by job recruiters everywhere. The current job market has been roughest on recent graduates, who find themselves in a struggle to gain entry. How does one "break out" of this cycle in a manner that inspires confidence from recruiters?
One suggestion I give would be thus: Give yourself an internship.
In between networking (which should consume 75% of your time) and tweaking your self marketing material (which should consume 5%), spend the remainder of the time simply doing what you do best and enjoy! Approach it as a form of purely self-motivated, educational synthesis.
Call it an internship that you've gifted to yourself. Make it your hobby.
Take yours truly for example. I got a minor in Computer Science, then went on to get more full fledged degrees in Economics and Policy Analysis.
Recently however, I aspire to become a software developer.
Lo, none of my prior internships directly relate to Computer Science! Nonetheless, I've secured considerable amounts of interest from IT Recruiters. How?
By giving myself an internship in the field. I've made myself my own software development customer, teacher, student, and producer. In the past following months, several independent work samples have sprung as a result, with all the more on the horizon.
For all fresh graduates who have found it rough, I encourage to do likewise. Write the book you always wanted a book on. Start a webshow or a simple music video on that topic you figured would be "too fun" to be taken seriously. And volunteer for every opportunity that gives additional practice.
With the market being what it is, if your first sort of work does not succeed, form new passions with sectors of the economy where there's certainly little to no recession. As your confidence shoots up with the "real world" experience you gave to yourself, so will your ability to attract interviews.
Now if you'd please excuse your humble author, he must resume his work at MorrisSoft. We have a client at Noble Principled Investments who desire some customized projection software within by October.
~David Noble Morris~
*If you have your own ideas on how to continually self hone your skills, feel free to leave a comment below, and share this post with your friends.